Lifters support companies in their production, logistics, storage, transport and shipping. They make the processes more efficient and relieve employees of physically demanding activities. There are many good reasons for such a purchase. Are you considering buying a lifter for your business? Then think about the most important points beforehand.
Why are lifters good investments in industry, trade, logistics and manufacturing? Every day at Hovmand, we experience how lifting aids make work processes easier. Wherever barrel grippers, reel manipulators or crate lifters are used, one task requires only one person instead of two, internal routes are covered more quickly and packaging machines can be loaded with foil reels in no time. Numerous practical applications show that the use of lifting devices accelerates and optimizes processes. You can learn more about this in our blog post about lifters and the work processes that can be solved by them.
Ergonomic aspects are often the main reason for introducing lifting aids into operational processes. When employees have to lift and carry heavy loads or frequently handle smaller weights, physical strain is inevitable. In addition, there are misalignments of the spine when rotating, tilting or positioning loads. Lifting equipment relieves your employees and thus reduces sickness reports and absenteeism. Last but not least, employee satisfaction improves with health.

A variety of lifters are available on the market. They differ in lifting capacity, drive, size, design and many other parameters. The following factors should be considered:
- What should the lifter move? Do you move barrels, reels, boxes, crates or many different types of containers? Pre-configured lifters are available for handling loads with certain shapes and dimensions. Flexible lifters, with which you can swap the lifting equipment quickly if necessary, can do more.
- Where should the lifter be used? Companies in the food or pharmaceutical industry are subject to significantly stricter regulations in their production than, for example, the logistics industry. If the new lifter is intended for cleanrooms, a certified stainless steel version is necessary. In a large kitchen, easy cleaning and adaptation to heavy buckets, kettles or barrels are important.
- What will the maximum load be? When planning your purchase, consider what loads you will have to lift now and in the future. The load capacity of your lifter must be designed for these weights because this parameter cannot be changed later. Also, have the dimensions of your largest containers ready so that you can try them out on the models available.
- Under which conditions and circumstances should the lifter be able to maneuver? The dimensions of the storage locations, shelves, machines and also aisles, driveways and doors play an important role. The lifter must fit through, be able to reach up and down in order to optimally serve your processes.
- How many lifters would you need to acquire? Like other investments, lifting aids are equipment that should ideally always have a high utilization rate without becoming a process bottleneck. In some companies, a single lifter with a suitable selection of different gripping devices is therefore the right choice. Elsewhere, there should be a fully equipped lifter in every corner, otherwise production may come to a standstill. A precise calculation helps with this decision.
- What does the team want from the new lifter? A lifting aid cannot always meet all wishes and requirements. However, the colleagues at the front usually have very good suggestions as to what could be simplified in everyday life. In addition, the involvement of employees in the extended acquisition process supports the later transition. Those who are being engaged in the process from the beginning accept changes more easily.
- How does the manufacturer's contact person guide you through the selection process? Competent contact persons know the possibilities and limits of their product range like the back of their hand. However, the manufacturer's experts must first get to know the requirements and restrictions of your company in order to be able to advise you properly. Let the contact person from various manufacturers of lifters ask a lot of questions and, above all, get a look into the processes and environment in your company. The right solution for your challenge only emerges in a dialogue.
- What service and what flexibility can you expect after the purchase? Competent and customer-oriented support while using your lifter helps ensure that it serves you better. In addition, committed consultants keep an eye on your needs in the field. As your business changes or grows, so should your lifting equipment. Ask the various manufacturers about the possibilities for adapting the lifting devices.
The purchase of lifters is an ideal opportunity to rethink intralogistic processes. Some things can be designed more easily or quickly in an uncomplicated manner. This applies to manual work as well as to technically supported work. Take the opportunity to shorten distances and reduce the number of hand movements.
Contact us today to hear more about how we can help you improve ergonomics.